Hurlford Map (Streets for All)

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News on Hurlford Map (Streets for All)

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Creating a Design

With the key themes in mind (see last week’s post for more details!), the team can get a better understanding of what is most important to the local community and what should be considered when developing a design for the area. A plan called the Design Framework is created to ensure that as many of the themes identified will be addressed. The framework will focus on what the re-design of the streets need to achieve to be in line with what the community would like to see.

The framework is currently being developed , in the Develop Stage of the project and will be presented back during the Design Stage in Spring.

Below is an overview of the key themes identified and a snapshot of the comments from the community that helped to shape them.

Improving public realm –People would like to see the village centre be a nicer place to meet friends and have more opportunities to socialise.

Creating a slower, safer environmen t – Many people mentioned that there is a dominance from motor vehicles within the village and the perception of high speeds from them. This is especially apparat along Academy Street, the service road and Mauchline Road.

Improving Local Journeys – All age groups identified barriers to local journeys made by walking and wheeling. These included lack of road crossing points, pavement width and condition.

Strengthening Community Identity & Activity - Many people would like to see more of a sense of community in Hurlford, with more places to meet and activities taking place in the village. There is also a rich sense of history and heritage in the village, which could be made more visible for all generations to enjoy.

Better Use of Road Space – There were a lot of comments about parking – particularly around people ignoring restrictions and the car park not having a welcoming appearance. Accessing shops and facilities can be difficult due to parking and loading, especially during school drop-off and pick-up times.

Some examples of comments from our surveys and events:

You can read more about the Design Framework and see more comments here.

The team would like to thank everyone who has submitted comments and feedback so far.

What’s coming next?

There will be plenty of opportunities for the community to feed into the project over the coming months.

If you have any events going on that you would like us to attend or a community group that we could run an activity with, please contact Eilidh Russell:

Looking to improve your cycling skills and confidence?

The Active Travel Hub Kilmarnock will be running an 8 week long training course, starting on Tuesday 14th April 5.30-7pm.

Our Behaviour Change Officer, Cat, is looking for people to keep a Journey Journal for a fortnight. By travelling more actively, this can help you to get healthier, save money and reduce your carbon emissions. You’ll receive a free pedometer to track your step count!

If your New Year’s resolution is to be more active, please get in touch to find out more about both these activities:

Posted on 17th January 2020

by Cat Wright