Hurlford Map (Streets for All)

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News on Hurlford Map (Streets for All)

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Developing ideas with Hurlford Primary School!

The project team held a very successful morning workshop with Hurlford Primary School pupils last week.

The P6 and P7 pupils were involved in three different activities where they could think about how they would re-imagine Hurlford Village Centre and become Urban Designers for the day!

Firstly, our ‘Talking Pictures’ activity allowed pupils to consider and discuss the current street environment where they live, travel and play in.

Secondly, our ‘Live Drawing’ activity allowed pupils to draw their ideas onto maps and have these come to life through sketches by our Urban Designers. The pupils came up with some great ideas during the activities that will now be developed further and presented back during the design stage of the project

Finally, our Behaviour Change Officer engaged pupils in an interactive discussion about their route to school, with each pupil making a pledge to travel actively more often.

Thank you to Hurlford Primary School for sharing their enthusiasm and expert local knowledge with us!

Posted on 11th December 2019

by Emily Davie