Hurlford Map (Streets for All)

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Street trials

Street Kit

As part of the Design Stage of the project, the Sustrans Street Kit was going to be temporarily placed on the School Zone zig-zags on Academy Street and Union Street. This was to emphasise the existing parking restrictions at the school gates. Images of what the Street Kit looks like in action can be seen below!

Unfortunately the trial is not able to go ahead, due to current circumstances. The idea of physically restricting parking in these areas is reflected in the design proposals , this blog allows you to see what the purpose of the proposed trial was.

You can feedback on the designs until 10th April.

The idea was developed as the team received many comments from pupils, parents, school staff and other members of the community about the dominance of cars on the school streets during school drop-off and pick-up times.

The team are currently looking into the potential of organising the street trial later in 2020.

Park and Stride

A Park & Stride campaign was planned for the same time as the Street Kit trial, this has been postponed to later in the year. The team are aware that many people are already adopting a travel method that has them parking away from the school gates and walking or scooting the rest of the way. The campaign would aim to increase the number of people doing so and help cut down the number of cars outside the school gates and make more use of the Academy Street car park, as this is currently not being used to its full capacity. A Park & Stride would create a safer, cleaner and more pleasant environment around a school.

A sign is being designed by school pupils to promote the Park & Stride. The team are hopeful that this will be put in place once the schools go back.

Creative activities to keep your families entertained during this time

We had to cancel many of our engagement activities and community activities have been cancelled so read below for some fun activities you can do with your family:

· Playing Out are keeping their website updated regularly with ideas and blogs to read

· The Active Travel Hub, Kilmarnock are sharing tips on their Facebook page on how to stay occupied whilst social distancing

· The Scouts have some brilliant ideas for activities to try out over the next few months

· If you have access to a garden, build a daily mile into your routine or set up a simple obstacle course!

Posted on 2nd April 2020

by Cat Wright